Script Talk – April 18th


This is an ACB Community Call presented by American Council of the Blind.


This Unmute Present Community Call was hosted on Tuesday, April 18th, 2023.

Thanks to Script Talk for visiting us.


The opinions expressed on the ACB Media Network are those of the content providers and should

not be viewed as an endorsement of any product or service.

Nor does it reflect the views of the American Council of the Blind, its elected officials,

or its staff.

Welcome everyone back to another Unmute.

We want to just as a quick reminder here at the top, remind everyone that we’re going

to take first hands.

If we have time, we’ll take second,

but also we want to remind everyone to be respectful.

If you wanna get all your questions answered,

be respectful to everyone,

the same as you would want yours to be respected.

Also, if you need to get ahold of us,

questions, comments, anything like that,

you can reach us at

And today we’re gonna be doing all things script talk,

so that’ll be fun.

And in the meantime,

Let’s get Michael to give us a couple of quick announcements.

How’s it going, Michael?

  • It’s going well, Marty.

I appreciate it.

And I appreciate each of you for taking time out of your day

for joining us either in the podcast live stream

or here in Zoom.

So as you know, I like to go over some of the content

that we’ve recently published in case you have missed it.

And one of the pieces of content that you probably heard

when you were in the,

when you are subscribed to the podcast feed

is the advertisement that Marty and I threw together

pretty quickly.

I think it turned out okay,

but I do kind of have a biased opinion.

In addition, after that,

we published a interesting piece from a voice,

community members already know very well,

and that is Lucy,

and she came and graciously shared with us

a breakdown of the A-lady devices,

specifically with a screen.

So if you’ve ever been curious, why would I want a screen?

Why do I need to interact with my A-Lady device?

I can just use my voice well worth the listen

to listen to Thursday’s episode,

search for a mute presents on your favorite podcast platform.

And then Marty did a demonstration of a new tool

to about a hundred starts at about $130

and it’s a USB microphone that he bought

and he really likes because it’s quick and easy

to get a decent sounding recording.

It’s called the Sennheiser profile microphone.

and you did a review of it and a recording.

And if you’re interested, you can go listen to that.

That was published on Sunday.

So that’s a quick recap of what we’ve published recently.

And remember, you can search for unmute presents

on your favorite podcast platform.

Marty, why don’t you introduce our guests today,

which people are excited to hear from?

  • Yes, I would like to introduce Jenna Reed,

director of marketing to talk to us all about script talk.

And Jenna, thanks for being here and take it away.

  • Thanks so much, Marty.

Welcome guys.

If you have any questions, let’s try to wait till the end.

But if something I say is not loud enough

or it’s confusing, please don’t hesitate to jump in

and I will answer and try to clarify.

So our company, we’re fortunate,

we’re based on the West Coast of Florida.

So we’re down in Florida.

We’ve been around now for over 25 years.

A lot of people might not know that, but yeah,

we started out in Veterans Affairs.

We’re still available with our script talk station,

with veterans to help them.

And that’s where we got our start.

So we’ve since branched out to,

oh, I think we’re in over more than 20,000 patients

are now using script talk

and more than 7,000 pharmacies throughout the country

are now using script talk.

So you might ask, what is script talk?

Some of you might have one, if you do, yay.

If you do not, I’m gonna go through it

and I’ll tell you the easiest way possible

to get one if you don’t have one.

So, Scriptalk is a free service, absolutely free guys.

I promise, no charge for the labels,

no charge for the device.

There is no charge and it does not run

through your insurance company.

This is a free service that is provided by the pharmacies

to ensure your independence and safety.

So what they will do is they will do a small circular,

it’s called RFID, Radio Frequency Identification Label.

So they have a simple software program

that we provide them right in their computer system

where they are gonna program this label

with all of your information.

So you will be able to hear doctor’s name, dosage,

medication, everything that’s gonna be on this label.

So without further ado, you know you’re getting

a demonstration.

So let me turn on the device.

Device, if you don’t have one, it’s similar,

I would say to an old school CD Walkman.

It’s about the same in size.

It’s white, it’s got a smooth surface.

And on the side of it is a little spinny wheel,

and you’re gonna spin that to turn it on

and to control the volume.

I’m gonna crank it up,

so hopefully it doesn’t blow anybody’s ear drums out.

  • Script taxation ready.

So that little circular label that they’re going to give you is typically on the bottom of your prescription bottle. I’m topping it.

So I’m going to set that down right on top of this machine.

And then in the front of the machine are three buttons.

You’ve got a circular read button and then beside that are your next and your previous buttons.

So say you only want one piece of information or you want your doctor’s name or the prescription number.

You can quickly jump through to access it.

But for my purposes today, I’m going to go ahead and play the whole thing for you.

Patient John J. Smith, medication, homoxysil in 250 milligram capsule instructions.

Take one capsule three times daily. Quantity 30 capsules. Prescription date January 10th,


expiration date January 10, 2024.

Refills remaining zero prescriber.

Dr. Ben Casey scriptability pharmacy to reorder this prescription dial 800 555 1212 prescription number 123456 warning important finish all this medication unless otherwise directed by prescriber.

Warning, this medicine may be taken with or without food.

Warning, may cause diarrhea during treatment.

If it persists or becomes severe,

tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Warning, persistent diarrhea due to colitis

may rarely occur weeks or months

after using an apionis.

  • All right, you guys are getting the hint.

The cool thing about this device is it runs on batteries

or you can plug it in.

And how do you get this device, you might ask.

Well, basically when you tell the pharmacist

that you want this, they are gonna fill out a simple form

with your information and they are gonna send that to us

in Vision America and Florida,

and we’re gonna ship this device out to you for free.

You can keep it as long as you need it, no cost.

All we ask is when you’re done with it,

if you’ll send it back to us

so that we can pass it on to the next patient.

Now, for those of you who are a little more tech savvy,

we have apps too.

Now I’m bad, I have an Android,

I know a lot of you guys are going to have iPhones,

but I’ve gotten the Android.

So I’m going to open it up.

It’s yelling at me.

Now, if you have an iPhone, it’s going to automatically

have your NFC near-field communication enabled,

so you don’t have to worry about this.

For my phone, I have to go in and enable it.

And so it’s going to walk me through doing that.

I’m going to turn that on.

So the cool thing about–

Please bring in prescription tag.

Because it’s a slightly different voice,

but it works identical to that station.

So you have two options with the app.

You have a full scan feature, which is cool.

It’s gonna go through all that info,

just like that station did,

or you have a quick scan feature,

which is just gonna hit that high level info.

So if you have an iPhone,

you’re gonna take that medication

and that label on the bottom

and you’re gonna hold it up

to the top screen of your phone

and it’s gonna pick it up.

Now I have an Android, so mine’s a little different.

I’m gonna hold it on the back of the phone

the camera. Amoxicillin 250 milligrams capsule. So that’s your quick scan. It’s just going to

give it to you really quick. Now the full scan feature, let’s do that real quick. Tag is not

valid. Do you want your report? I’m not supposed to do that Doreen. Obviously the tag is valid,

it just read it. Prescription information, patient name, John J Smith, medication, amoxicillin 250

milligrams capsule instructions take one capsule three times daily so as you can see it does the

exact same thing it’s just a lady’s voice instead of the man’s the cool thing about the app as well

is it has a my meds button so under that my meds anything that you full scanned on this app

is now on a list for you so say you’re going into your doctor’s office you have an appointment

coming up. And I know personally, I can’t print out some of my medications. I don’t even try.

I just everything’s the same. But if you’re going to a new doctor or a specialist, and they want to

know what you’re taking, you know, you can pull up this MyMeds and just hand your phone over and

they can see everything that you’re on. So that’s a cool thing about that feature. And also have a

pharmacy. So say you’re on the road, and you need to find us for talking to you at a local pharmacy,

it’s got a lookup function so you can find the pharmacies near you. And then as a side note,

our website and also if you scroll down to the very bottom of the front that

homepage also has a pharmacy lookup. So you can go in and you can enable it to automatically know

what your zip is and it’s going to pull up within I think like five, ten, twenty mile radius of you

all of the pharmacies that offer script talk.

And then this app also has a help feature

that will walk you through how it works.

So that is the gist of it.

So basically there are two ways to get signed up.

You can go to your pharmacist and you can request it.

I can say that some of the big ones that we’re in,

we’re in all Walmarts.

If they’re not aware of it, they should be,

or you can call us directly.

And we will work behind the scenes to get you set up.

So think CVS has spoken Rx, Walmart has script talk,

depending on what area of the country you’re in,

their chances are very good

that you’re gonna have a pharmacy near you

that does offer it or can offer it.

Now, if you’re using a smaller mom and pop

independent pharmacy, we obviously can’t guarantee that.

But what we can do is if you give us a call

and give us their information, we can call and educate them

and explain to them that they have patients

that are interesting in getting this

so that we are more than happy to set them up.

It is a very cost-effective program.

We’re not looking to make a ton of money on it,

so it’s cost-effective for your pharmacist to offer this.

And at the end of the day, to me, safety is priceless.

So I think that is pretty much all of my information.

We do have it available in translation.

So if you or a friend or family member

or your neighbor speaks Spanish,

if the pharmacist has a translation key,

that’s a separate service,

we can also provide the script talk station unit in Spanish.

We actually do a total of 25 different languages.

So that’s pretty cool.

If you do have some musical vision

and you just want large prints, we can also do that.

We work with a lot of the mail orders

and the bigger pharmacies to provide,

it’s a large print label, Booklet Style,

that’s physically attached to that bottle.

And it’s like a wave or flag that comes off

and it’s got up to 22 point font.

And it’s gonna have all that key information as well.

So we do that.

And then probably not as applicable,

but I’d like to mention it is our dual language labels.

So that would have English as well as

one in 25 different languages.

Again, that’s a Booklet style label that’s attached.

And then we also have Braille, which is nice.

We do the grade two contracted Braille.

So it’s just kind of like a cheat sheet

to let you know what medication you have in front of you.

And then I know a lot of folks that like that Braille,

also like having that RFID or script doc tag on the bottom

so that they can access all of that information

whenever they need it.

Finally, we offer controlled substance safety labels.

These are for your stronger medications.

There’s a lot of risks inherent with taking those.

So that one is kind of cool.

Again, it’s a booklet style label that attaches.

It’s gonna have all those warnings and key information.

But the cool thing about that label,

it also has a QR code so that when you scan it,

it’s got a pretty cool audible video associated with it.

That’s gonna kind of remind you, take it during the day.

Don’t take it with alcohol.

Just those key reminders of how to take

those stronger medications safely.

  • Awesome, thanks, Jenna.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, we really appreciate that.

  • Go ahead, Michael.

  • We really appreciate that.

And I think Marty has some questions.

I have some questions.

And if you listening on Zoom or Clubhouse have questions,

raise your hand and we’ll get to those.

What were you gonna ask, Marty?

  • So I guess my first question would be

when it comes to scanning the bottles,

I know that you can put it right on the machine as well as have the app.

Do they always put the labels in the same place?

So you’re not fun,

the laying around with the bottle trying to figure out where the label is to get

the machine or the app to read it.

They do typically, um, because it is circular,

they’re going to gravitate to put that on the bottom of that prescription bottle.

Now, if you have a package, that’s not a traditional bottle,

they will put it on there as well. A lot of times,

there’s like a little hang tag that they’ll stick on.

So it’s gonna stick out.

So you’re gonna feel that sticking out

and it’s gonna have that label on it.

So it should be pretty easy to locate it when you’ve got it.

  • I guess my second question would be

if you have a medication that may not come in a bottle,

for example, like either eye drops

or maybe a medication that’s like a patch

or something like that,

would do they put the sticker on the outside of the package,

not directly on the actual eye drop bottle

or whatever’s inside the box if it’s like a patch

or something like that, right?

  • Typically it will be on the outside of the package.

You can talk to your pharmacist and see if they’d be willing,

like if it’s an eye dropper or something like that,

if they’d be willing to put it right on that little bottle.

Now it depends on the size of the bottle

as to how easy it is for them to get it on there.

But you can always talk to your pharmacist

and make a request if you’d like.

Cool. Awesome. Michael, what do you got?

Yeah, I do see we have a couple of hands, so I will jump over to Sheila and get

those here in a moment, but I have one question that I bet one, maybe a couple

of listeners are wondering about.

You mentioned that you work on the iPhone and you work on the Android.

Do you guys have any plans or are you in the process of working on the

blind shell classic two at this time?

We are, we’re actually in touch.

We are not on them yet.

I think the real Sam is one we’re working with.

I want to say, what is the other one?

I think there’s another one out there too.

And of course I’m drawing a blank who we are in talks with those developers.

So we’re looking to get integrated in their systems so that when you, you know,

we’ll be a part of their, um, their operating system so that you can

find us on there as well.


Thank you very much.

Sheila, who’s our firsthand today?


Go ahead, Beth.



Um, I was when, uh, can you hear me?


>> Yeah, we can hear you.

>> Yeah, yeah.

I was wondering, like with the device, you were saying that you wanted us to send it back

when we’re done, but how are we going to remember which medication is what

if we don’t have the device?

>> No, as long as you’re on the medications and you have the labels,

you do not have to send the device back.

You know, for some reason, you’re not taking those medications, or perhaps you’ve changed pharmacies

one of the rare pharmacies that does not offer script talk and you’re not actively using it,

then we request that you send it back. But as long as you’re actively taking those medications

with the script talk labels on them, we will touch base with you every six months and we’ll

touch base with you like right after you get your labels just to make sure everything’s going

smoothly, but we’re not going to like hound you or anything like that to send it back to us.

Because my, I have Lewis family drug that’s the, because I’m in Northwest Iowa that’s in,

I think it’s in South Dakota, so I don’t know, I hope they use Scrip Talk, but

yeah, that I would have to give them your number, I guess.

Yeah, so you can ask them. I would also encourage you, if you want to give us a call, and I will

give it out now, I’m sure it’ll come up. Our phone number, you can find us, obviously our website,

is E-N-V-I-S-I-O-N,

  • Okay.

  • There’s a pharmacy lookup in there by your zip code.

And also you can call us at 1-800-890-1180.

And we have a wonderful patient advocate care team

that works the phones.

We’re here Eastern time from 8.30 to five weekdays.

And they’re great.

  • Okay.

And if you guys want to get that as an email,

you can email us

and we can shoot you off an email

with all the pertinent information that you would need.

  • Yeah.

So if you call us, we can talk to your pharmacy.

If for some reason they do not offer it,

we can educate them.

Or we can now look for a pharmacy in your area, Beth,

that might offer it.

I know you’re tied into them and you love them,

but if for some reason they do,

you do our best. – Yeah.

  • Thanks a lot, Beth.

Who do we have next?

  • Thank you. – Hi, Diane.

  • There we go, I think you can hear me now.

  • Yeah. – Hey, Diane.

  • Yeah, I think that certainly from my experience,

the issue with this program and maybe others like it

seems to be, I gotta get my phone,

quiet down, hold on.

It seems like advocating to get pharmacies to sign up for it is the issue.

I’ve been trying to work on my mail order pharmacy for years and I know that someone

named Caroline, I think her name was Caroline, has told me that she had been in touch with

them and that they were interested, but that it was going to take several months for them

to work out the contract.

So apparently, if they’re still doing it, if they really are interested, it’s been a

long time.

I haven’t heard anything.

And I’m kind of wondering about your use of the word “rare” to describe the number of

pharmacies that don’t have this.

I would think there would be quite a few if you’re looking at small, independent pharmacies,

large chains.

you know, I understand but I, you know, is it really that difficult to get to convince these

smaller pharmacies that they should do this? I guess it must be.

We do our best to educate them and bring them on board. Some of the smaller pharmacies,

we can get them signed up quickly. Some of the larger ones like mail orders do take a little bit

of time and longer. But what I can say, if there’s a particular pharmacy that you’re interested in,

The more patients that want this service, the more we can push them to offer it.

To us, it’s an easy sell. We believe in independence and safety. To us, we will push

and we will advocate. You guys can advocate. We’ll give you brochures. We do everything we can.

But at the end of the day, these pharmacies, we do what we can, but we can’t make them.

Yeah, and well, the website is loaded with information, especially that the pharmacies

can look at. You know, and I’ve, by the way, mine is pharmacy advantage, if anyone’s interested in

advocating. So I guess that’s my concern is that it seems to be a hard sell for, you know, some of

the pharmacies. Diane, um, gosh, you’re probably not comfortable giving your phone number. I was

gonna say, if you want to call us, we can update you on what’s going on after the fact.

>> Diane, if you want to email us at feedback@unmuedotshow,

I can get your information to

Jenna and she could contact you.

>> Yeah. I’ll reach out to you.

Because is that a hospital system?

>> Yeah, they operate through a hospital system.

>> I’ve been working with them on the marketing side,

so I can say they are coming along.

>> Okay.

>> As far as I know, it’s soon.

So I mean, when you were talking about a big system like that, yes, unfortunately, sometimes

some of the contracts take a little while to work through.

But we are getting there and we are equipping them with brochures and all that kind of good


So they’re coming, I promise.


All right.

Thank you.

You’re welcome.

Who do we have next, Sheila?

And thank you, Diane.


What have we got in Clubhouse?

We have Janet here in Clubhouse.

Go ahead and unmute Janet.

Hey, Janet.

Hello, everybody.

Good morning or afternoon, Twel.

Hey, M&M.

I just wanted to say a great job, Jenna.

I’ve had my script talk for, I don’t know,

a couple of years from my pharmacy.

And the question I have is, if you use the app on your phone,

do you need to sign in or anything?

Or how’s it going to know that it’s from you?

Basically, the best way I can describe it

is it’s a basic platform.

So it doesn’t have to have your name or your information.

All of your information is in that actual tag.

And this is just a reader.

This is just going to understand what’s on that tag.

So it’s gonna have all your–

  • Oh, okay, okay.

  • So once you have it downloaded on your phone,

it will ask you to register with us

just so we know you’re using the app

and we have your basic info,

but you should not need to sign in every time.

So unless there’s an update or something like that,

you should just be able to keep rolling with it.

  • Okay, I was just curious as well.

So thank you very much.

  • My pleasure.

  • Y’all have a great day, good job.

  • You too, thank you. – Thank you.

  • All right, EG, you can unmute.

  • Thank you.

  • Hey, EG, how you doing?

  • Hey, Michael.

I had a quick question.

I tried to look up.

Alexa, stop, sorry.

For example, who is your reminder?

What’s your name?

I tried to go to the website, and I must have done something wrong because I got a bunch

of envisions but not yours.

Is there, what was the website again?

It’s E-N-V-I-S-I-O-N-A-M-E-R-I-C-A.

Okay, that’s the part.


Yeah, there’s a lot of Envision Healthcare and Envision is a lot of different things.

Yes. Yeah. Now, if you’re putting us into the search engine, I would say E-N hyphen,

Vision America. We’ve got a hyphen in our official name, which throws us off a little


All right. Having a hyphenated last name, I understand that well. The second part is

I talked to my pharmacy about, and I use a large regional grocery store chain pharmacy

here in Texas, and I have talked to them about doing large print, and they said they don’t

do that. But so I wanted to go to your website and see if I could see if they were in at the

corporate headquarters in San Antonio if they if they were based. It’s a TB food chain. And I

don’t know if that’s one that you would recognize or not. So yes, it is one that I recognize in one

of our big, bigger partners. So yeah, okay. Because then it hasn’t gotten down to the store

level yet. So thank you. Yeah, I have actually a question to extend on eg’s question. So if they

are in the system and they’re a large format pharmacy like you say and they’re working with

you, if they’re not accommodating him at the local level, is that something that he can do to

go through you to help him get the labels or whatever he may need?

Well, we can do is if they don’t have the large print labels, I do not believe HEB offers them.

However, what I would encourage is if you are with one of these pharmacy chains and you want

want an option that they are not currently offering, call us.

Give us your information.

Because we are in constant discussions with these guys.

And we can tell them, look, we have all these patients that

are interested in getting it.

So the more of you guys that we can say need this,

the easier it is for us to justify it for them.

Because some of these pharmacists

are going to understand it right away.

But at the end of the day, it’s a business.

So we want to do everything in our power

to push them in the positive direction.

So the more information that we have,

the more of you that want it at that pharmacy,

the easier it is for us to educate them,

that there is a demand for it out there.

  • One last question if I could,

and that is there’s a big push right now

with my Part D provider to do by mail.

But some of the things like they have to stay refrigerated,

I dropped, I don’t wanna do by mail.

So if I’m actually using two pharmacies at once,

is that an issue or not?

  • As long as both pharmacies are set up with script talk,

you can get it from both.

It’s not a problem at all.

Basically the only thing yeah, we do is we equipment,

put them with the software to do it.

And then the programming device,

whether it’s a specialty printer

or it’s basically that demo unit that I

demoed for you earlier, that script talk station device,

they can also use that,

the smaller ones to program your labels.

So that’s all they need.

  • Thank you very much.

It’s a great project.

  • My pleasure and give us a call if you need any help.

As I said, call us and give us your information

and we’ll let HEB know.

And I’m not seeing any other hands at this time.

Are you Sheila?

  • No.

  • Okay. Well, if you have a question,

feel free to raise your hand.

I have a question that came up to me, Jenna.

Well, I was thinking about it

and I appreciate you coming and sharing this.

If I was to have the script talk application

on my phone and I use an iPhone and Android and a blind shell,

so any of those devices,

and I went and I was visiting a friend

and they use script talk as well.

Is that information available to me using the app

or is it tied to a device specific?

  • Basically it’s just the reader.

So your phone, yeah, your phone or your device is,

like if your friend is visiting you

and they don’t want to bring their device with you

and you have one,

they can use your device to read their medications.

  • Very good, okay, perfect.

Thank you very much.

  • But it doesn’t store the information.

Now the only thing that it’s gonna store it

is your app is gonna store that basic information.

So if they use your app to do it.

  • So Jenna, just to maybe clear up a little bit

of confusion, can you speak to what the difference is?

And when you scan, it just gives you the basic information

and then it’s gone after that?

  • Correct. – Or if it’s gonna save

the information on your device as a history

of all of your medications, what would be the?

  • Correct, so when you open up that app at the top

or it will, when you swipe through the functions.

  • Please present prescription tags.

  • She’s yelling at me, she wants food.

So there are two options at the top.

Your first option is gonna be your full scan option.

That’s the option that’s gonna read everything

under the sun that’s on that label.

  • And is that where it saves that information

on the device?

  • That’s where it’s gonna save that information

under my meds.

And then you can swipe through and you can click on it.

So anytime you want to go back and look or hear that information,

say you have a friend visiting you, hopefully they have this on their phone

for privacy concerns.

I probably wouldn’t encourage them to use your app to scan their medications

unless they don’t care. So, or they can use the quick scan prescription.

The quick scan function is that quick function,

it’s not going to remember.

Okay. I was just bringing that up only for the sake of,

If you’re using the app and someone else is using the app,

you wanna make sure that you’re not getting

your medications mixed up with somebody else’s medications.

So that’s really what I wanted to kind of get clear

to make sure that if you’re gonna help someone

with your own device,

make sure you’re not saving their medications

into your own device,

and then you don’t know which is theirs and which is yours.

  • And just remember that the script talk station reader

is not equipped to remember anything.

So you’re not gonna get that list

or any of that info on there.

  • Oh, okay, great.

And I think we have another question.

  • You do, Beth.

  • Welcome back, Beth.

  • Oh, thank you.

Yeah, I was wondering,

it doesn’t read over the counter meds or no?

  • Not over the counter.

Now, if you wanted to ask your pharmacist

if they would be willing to program a label

for your medications, you are more than welcome to.

But our system is more geared

for your prescription medications.

right. Because sometimes I do like buy things like Tylenol and you know, sometimes I like know the

bottle, but just say if I forget like if it’s Tylenol or leave or whatever. I can’t make any

promises, but you could have a conversation with your pharmacist and see if they’d be willing to

help you. You know, it can never hurt. The worst they’re going to say is no, but I have suspicion

that they might be willing to help. Oh yeah, yeah. Because they’re nice over there. I think they

They will. And the Braille, you just send the tags, the pharmacy puts it on. Is that

like with the Braille, you don’t need any really, you don’t need the app or the device,

right? No, no, the Braille, it’s a clear overlay that goes over top of that traditional label.

so that your doctor, if anybody needs to see that medication, they can still read it.

But it’s, yeah, it goes right over top. Now, if you choose to get that electronically,

both RFID in conjunction or in addition to, so that you can use it with script talk too,

then that you would need the device for. But for the braille itself, you don’t need it.

So the pharmacy, like, who brailles it? Like, I’m confused.

They do. We equip them with a printer. And now this is not one of our most popular offerings,

because I know a lot of folks don’t read Braille. If you do, that’s awesome. But we have some mail

orders, I believe that offer it. But we equip them with a special printer that’s going to print that

Braille and then they stick it on that label for you. Oh, okay. So yeah, right in the software that

that we offer them, it’ll translate it into Braille for them.

Does that make sense so that they can print it right to their Brailler?

Oh, kind of like the Braille printer on a computer.

Only this would be smaller, right?

You got it. You got it.

It’s actually a decent size.

It’s called Braille RX.

It’s a decent sized printer, but it’s going to print

basically specific for that label.

So, yeah, we just came out with a new one.

Oh, OK.

Okay. Sounds good. Yeah.

Thank you, Beth. Appreciate that question.

I do have a question for you though, Jenna, real quick.

With the script talk software and everything,

when you’re adding information to the labels,

like when the, I’m sorry, I got distracted.

When the pharmacist is adding information to the labels, that works out great.

But is it possible for the consumer to add information to labels or modify

those details. No, unfortunately it is not. It is specific for pharmacies. You have to have that

programmer and that software and that equipment in order to do it. So once it’s programmed,

now if you have a special request that you want the pharmacist to include on that label, you can

talk with them. You know, if there’s something on there that you want added, you know, they might be

able to work it into the system that they can add it on for you. But once that is put on your bottle

And once you leave that pharmacy with it, there’s nothing. Yeah. Unfortunately,

there’s nothing that you can do. It’s not editable. That’s the word edible. Changeable.

I think I like that word better. Changeable by the patient.

Yeah, sounds good. Thanks a lot. I appreciate that.

My pleasure.

Who do we have next?


Hey, Jane.

Changeable is easier to say.

I know.

I know. Editable does not sound right. Edible.

No, no, it does not.

something but edit edit yeah no we’re not okay go ahead hello I like that too uh so I have a

couple questions with do you guys label um insulin vials and if so I know you guys do

insulin pens and um I used to be a insulin pen user and now I’m on this patch system but

Do you label vials and if I am dealing with another pharmacy that doesn’t use you, how do I convince them to use your labels?

Jane, what I would recommend, I don’t want to answer your question incorrectly. I don’t know that we do work with pharmacies to do the vials, but I don’t want you to quote me. I don’t know.

And I don’t want to give you wrong information.

So what I would encourage you to do Jane is give us a call or email Marty or Michael and with your information and have them forward it to me.

And we will reach out to you after to talk to you about this and to work with you on your pharmacy, because we can educate them on our end and see what we can do for you.

And again, I just, I don’t think that they do,

but I can’t say that for sure.

That’s an instinct response.

That’s not a, I don’t know for a fact response.

Does that make sense?

  • Why would something like insulin be unsure

just out of curiosity?

‘Cause the way they make them,

it’s hard to put labels on something like that.

  • It might be, it’s just, you know,

the pens I know for a fact,

but I just haven’t had a lot of requests.

I do a lot of the shows and the events

and the things like that.

that hasn’t come across my desk that I don’t want to say one way or the other.

And there’s probably a way that they can do it.

I just don’t want to give them accurate information and say yes,

when I’m not 100% sure.

I don’t know how do they come in boxes.

I’m not diabetic and I don’t have, you know,

well, okay. So yes, these, uh, vials, they come in boxes when it looks like a

regular, um, well, kind of a small medicine bottle.

And I guess the reason there is no reason that can’t put the label on the box.


I mean, it sounds like it would be, as I said, I think it would be, you know,

they might be able to do it.

I don’t see that they wouldn’t.

I’m just,

the only thing I would say is I would maybe go on what you said earlier about

something like eyedrops, where they put it on the outside of the box instead of

the actual, you know, eye drop bottle or actual insulin pen, just there may not be enough

room I’m guessing.


That would be my guess.

That’s the way I want this to put it on the, because it’s never going to come out of the

box unless you have to use it, but that’s a different story.

So forgive my ignorance guys.

I haven’t dealt with that a whole lot.

But we’ll put you guys in contact if you want there Jane, just to find an actual resolution

because that could be something that may not be available, but could be available.

And so we appreciate you asking for sure.

We want to get your pharmacy set up with it.

And once they’re set up, then we’ll see about getting it on there for you.

And you said you had a couple of questions.

Were those all of them?


I’m assuming so.

Oh, she saw us.




Thanks, Jane.

Thanks, Jenna.

Marty, do you have any other questions or does anyone else have any other questions at this

time for Jenna before we let her go?

We greatly appreciate you jumping in to share information.

I live in Oregon and a legislative imperative back in 2019

that I was first part of was mandating

for prepared individuals accessible labeling systems.

And that’s the first point that I had heard

about script talk and how script talk works.

So I was excited when Marty mentioned

that he had talked to you.

  • Yeah, yeah, no, at the federal level, there are guidelines,

But I think it helps tremendously with awareness

and knowledge when the states get active in it as well.

I know Nevada has done something,

Oregon’s done something,

Maryland just pushed something through

that’s waiting the governor signature.

So a lot more of the states are getting active.

Once it’s on the state level and the pharmacy board

can work more specifically with the pharmacists,

that helps bring this into play a little bit more

and helps convince the pharmacists

the importance of it as well.

So one thing I would love to add is if you guys are online on social media at all,

you know, I have fun running our social media accounts.

I look for stories, both entertaining and educational.

So if you’re on any of the social media, I would love for you to look us up under Facebook,

Twitter, we’re also on LinkedIn.

So if you’re not already following us, I’d invite you to do that as well.

And then again, our number real quick, if I may, is 1-800-890-1180.

And do reach out to Marty or Michael.

If you have questions that I didn’t address or I couldn’t give a specific

answer, you know, connect with me after the show, they’ll give you my information

or I can reach out to you directly.

And we will definitely get you taken care of.


Hi, Beth.

I see your hand going off.

Go ahead, Beth.

  • Shanda’s becoming a real professional at this.

  • Yeah.

So we just went for an Envision American Facebook.

Do we talk to you directly?

  • I’m sorry.

  • Have you messaged you directly, I mean?

  • If you want a message,

I’m the one that usually gets all those messages.

So if you want to say hi to me, you can.

But we have a page that you can follow on there.

Let me pull it up real quick.

And right now, I can do my handle.

My handle at

  • Oh, okay.

  • And then if you follow us, you know,

like I think Pennsylvania just launched a pro,

yeah, if I can talk right, Pennsylvania just launched

a program to teach students disability inclusion,

which I thought was pretty cool, of something brand new.

You know, Wegmans, we just rolled out

a pilot program at Wegmans.

So if you’re in the New York area, guys,

Five stores are piloting script talk right now.

That’s a new one.

I was recently and did a podcast with a VA or BVA,

I should say.

So that’s on there.

A health system just picked up our dual language

translated prescription labels.

So that’s like a hospital system.

Similar to what I think Diane was asking about earlier.

Not the same one, no, but this is a different one.

But yeah, give you an idea of some of the stuff

that I look, I’m always,

So if you have a story or something you’d like to share,

don’t hesitate to poke me

because I’m always looking for good stuff.

Not just promoting who we are and what we do.

I like to, you know, look for good educational,

fun stuff to share with you guys.

  • ‘Cause you sell other products, I’m sure, right?

Or just-

  • Actually, our specialty is accessible labels right now.

  • Oh, cool, yeah.

  • Now that’s our specialty.

You might’ve heard of the ID main in the past.

We still-

  • Oh, what?

The ID mate is a barcode scanner, a UPC scanner.

We do not sell it anymore.

We just recently with COVID, we were looking at rebuilding it and the parts were harder

to get.

It was getting really expensive, but that was our bread and butter.

What we founded our company on was a barcode scanner that could help you tell the difference

between like peas and carrots in your cover or, you know, and if we didn’t have it in

in our database that go out to Amazon or

I think Walmart might acquire a jet, like

And it could tell you how to cook stuff too.

  • So, okay.

  • We used to sell that, but right now,

our primary focus is accessible prescription labels.

So right now, the same area of growth

is a dual language translation.

So a lot of folks, if you don’t speak English

as your first language, you can get a little scary.

and other sending problems with these medication labels

that you can’t read and understand,

which so many of you guys would be aware of.


  • Jenna, this is Michael here.

Is Envision going to be at the ACB convention in Schomburg

to allow people to check out the devices in person?

  • You know it, we will be there.

Charlotte will be there for us this year, I believe.

And then Dave’s son, David Reistrick,

who’s one of our founders, his son Ben,

who now serves as an attorney,

We’ll probably be popping around to help out as well.

So please give them a hard time.

If you go stop by the booth,

there’ll be his first big show for us,

but I didn’t tell you that.

  • Awesome.

Marty, are you still there?

And thank you again, Jenna, from me.

And unless anyone has any other questions,

I think we’ll go ahead and wrap it up.

  • Yeah, I just want to say thank Jenna one more time.

We really, really appreciate it.

If you guys need any information about how to contact Jenna,

you send us an email,

and we’ll make sure we get you all the pertinent information.

Other than that, everybody have a great week

and we will see you next time.

Thanks Sheila and Darcy for helping us out today

and we’ll talk to you guys soon.

(upbeat music)

(upbeat music)

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